“Doctor Cha” Episode 4 Navigates A Familiar Yet Unfamiliar Passion

Familiarizing herself with a career she wants to fulfill, Doctor Cha braced for a new life and a looming heartbreaking discovery.

Juggling her residency while being a mother and homemaker is a tough job for Cha Jeong-suk to endure in the 4th episode of Doctor Cha.

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Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | 03 |

Doctor Cha

Doctor Cha Episode 4 Highlights

Previously, Jeong-suk attends a welcome party for Doctor Roy Kim. Put on a hot seat by the department head, she responds her husband is dead when she was asked about him.

“That’s how life is. A married couple can’t love each other for a long time.”

The drunk department head continues his adorable inquisition and Jeong-suk responds nonchalantly, uncaring of how her husband who is also there would feel.

Later, she also asks Dr. Kim if he can be dropped off and she rides on his motorcycle gleefully. When they had a quick chat at a park, Dr. Kim asserts how in her situation when love is no longer present, at least there should be respect.

The next day, Jeong-suk earns the ire of So-ra for a wrong call on the prescription she made. Jung-min who is in a relationship with her appeases her mother. He also gets a clear warning from her mom not to be close to the disrespectful So-ra.

Life for new resident Jeong-suk starts to get hard as she tries to get the hang of various procedures. Unfortunately for Jung-min, his mom seeks his help when she does not know what to do.

Later, when he whines about her taking much of his time, Jeong-suk softly chides him and uses all the things she has done as a mother. To assuage his mom, he gives him a YouTube channel link so she can learn about different procedures.

When a patient badly needs an urgent procedure, Jeong-suk is left with no choice but to ask for help from her husband. Refusing to do so, In-ho finds himself helping his wife, but also struggles to do so. Luckily, So-ra arrives to smoothly complete the procedure.

“Why didn’t you tell me about Seung-hee?”

Lucky for Jeong-suk, Dr. Kim has her back and their closeness is raising gossip in the hospital.

Nurturing their affair, In-ho and Seung-hee meet at a virtual golf place. When they spot their colleagues, she softly complains about their status.

Back at the Seo family house, Jeong-suk spends her rest day housekeeping. She also welcomed her daughter’s friend who is also Seung-hee’s daughter and seems to know her mother is having an affair with In-ho.

While sorting the jackets for dry cleaning, Jeong-suk sees a bracelet receipt and confronts In-ho about it. He makes an alibi that it is for her birthday. Driven by the gift that was already given to Seung-hee, Jeong-suk takes the opportunity to extra serve her husband by preparing a bath and wine for him.

She also asks why he didn’t tell her about Seung-hee and he denies it is not relevant and they just say obligatory hello when they bump into each other at work.

Reassuring her husband of her recent decision, Jeong-suk promises that the family is still her top priority. Later, she also met with Seung-hee and belatedly apologize for the pain her marriage to IN-ho caused her.

thereafter, she goes to the ER and was alarmed that one of her stubborn patients checked out but fainted outside the hospital. She helps So-ra revive him.

While doing so, she sees the sweet interaction between her husband and Seung-hi which totally contradicts In-ho’s “casual hi” assurance he told the night before.

Just as the patient receives an electric boost, she also gets a shot of a painful shock when she sees a familiar-looking bracelet.

Doctor Cha Episode 4 Musings

Will Doctor Cha realize the affair her husband is hiding or will In-ho escape again with an alibi? Obviously, Seung-hee is against her situation as another woman so In-ho’s reason why he has not opted to divorce Jeong-suk draws curiosity.

As Jeong-suk maneuvers the life she boldly chose, her reality is also manifesting that it’s not going to be easy. On the horizon, she also needs to confront the truth about her husband’s infidelity.

A glimpse of Dr. Kim’s intention to trace his past is also touched on in this episode along with Jeong-suk’s mother’s health condition that hopefully will not add to her daughter’s existing plate.

It would be a treat when So-ra realizes her boyfriend’s mother is actually Jeong-suk who already marked her as rude.

Meanwhile, Jeong-suk’s letter to her daughter is a nice recommendation for parents who might struggle to express themselves to children who think they should be their parents’ priority. It is true that they are, however, they have to consider that their parents have also their respective lives to explore.

Smartly written and lively executed, Doctor Cha continues its hooking ability while keeping the focus on Cha Jeong-suk’s life reboot program relevant.

Perfect for moms and for family-sharing, catch up on the latest episodes if you are looking for a quality and delightful story.

Be inspired to commit to personally made happiness like Cha Jeong Suk in Doctor Cha! International fans can watch it on Netflix!

Photos: JTBC Drama

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“Doctor Cha” Episode 4 Navigates A Familiar Yet Unfamiliar Passion
Source: Pinoy Student Wars

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