“Under The Queen’s Umbrella” Episode 11 Hails a New Crown Prince Through Legitimate Means

Triumphing against treachery, Prince Seong-nam becomes the new crown prince in Under The Queen’s Umbrella.

Dropping her support for Prince Bo-geom, the Queen Dowager forces the prince to forfeit his participation. Through a live paternity test, rumors about Prince Seong-nam’s legitimacy as a royal are debunked.

Marcie Line watches Under The Queen’s Umbrella on Netflix

Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | 03 & 04 | 05 & 06 | 07 & 08 | 09 & 10

“Under The Queen’s Umbrella” Is Shot At The Largest Historical Drama Set In Korea

Under The Queen’s Umbrella Episode 11 Highlights

“If the King does not understand the suffering of the people, he is no better than a puppet.”

In an assessment made by the King, Prince Seong-nam takes the lead with his answer of discussing the criticisms about the king outside the palace. He captures the approval of the King by tackling specifically the corruption in the Uichang, an organization that is involved in relief operations.

Extending her influence, Queen Dowager orders Minister Yoon to persuade the section chief of the ministry of personnel to side with them. Likewise, the Chief State Councilor moves also to persuade others to side with Prince Ui-seong.

Through promises of positions, gold, and land, the fathers of the scholars communicate with their sons to side with a certain candidate. Cheating reports reach the Queen, but she stays still watching the two sides compete with each other.

Through illegal exchanges of notes, Consort Tae discovers that Prince Ui-seong takes the lead. However, a scholar later reports to Consort Hwang that a flaw in the prince’s genealogy and assault records is found. 

Begging help from the Dowager, Consort Hwang with her father pledge to follow the Dowager and give her the power they have in their positions. The Dowager summons Consort Tae and Prince Bo-geom, and she asks the prince to drop out while insulting them that he was never cut out to become crown prince even at the beginning.

Under the Queen's Umbrella

“It is undesirable for the ignorant to be blinded by their faith. But what is even more undesirable is that those who should have principles act against conscience.”

Unable to stay still any longer after hearing Prince Bo-geom drop out, the Queen makes her way to the chambers of the scholars. In the food that is about to be served, she finds a note.

Suspecting the supervisor of misconduct, the Queen receives permission from the King to enter the scholars’ chambers to find evidence. She finds notes that promise the scholars positions, lands, and riches.

Despite seeing those notes, she burns them and reminds the scholars that they are the future pillars of the royal court. She promises not to report it and leaves their decision to their conscience.

Convinced by the Queen’s talk, scholars burn their notes and refuse to have food and communication from outside.

They summon the two remaining princes for another evaluation, and Prince Seong-nam’s answer garners their attention. Unlike Prince Ui-seong’s answer, Prince Seong-nam believes that the husband should be given severe punishment for murdering his wife and reiterates to value the child’s view.

Under the Queen's Umbrella

“They say the duty of a parent is not to lead the way but to show their child the path they have walked.”

The Queen calls in Prince Bo-geom to inform him that his mother will be punished. Looking dull, Consort Tae gets demoted as the Queen’s court maid, wherein everyone is prohibited from helping her. 

Exhausted with all the tasks, Consort Tae falls asleep on the Queen’s mattress. Waking up, she sees the Queen and begs forgiveness.

Discussing what went wrong during the contest, the Queen reminds Consort Tae that it was the illegal means that brought her child harm. With no ill intentions to Consort Tae, the Queen brings the consort back to her status.

Prince Bo-geom acknowledges the wrongs his greed brought him, and worries about his mom. The Queen then asks him to reflect on the process of the competition and asks him to be on the side of the crown prince.

She comforts him to express openly what he feels, so the prince cries in his mother’s arms. In a conversation with Court Lady Shin, the Queen admits she felt affected for some time when Consort Tae became the concubine of the King. However, she keeps Consort Tae because she makes her smile.

Under the Queen's Umbrella

“Just because I am a mother and an adult does not mean I am right all the time.”

 Clarifying her position, the Dowager tells Minister Yoon that she only used Consort Tae, and promises that his daughter will be crown princess no matter what.

Interrupting the King’s announcement of results, court royals bring up the rumor of Prince Seong-nam’s legitimacy, so the King agrees to have a paternity test.

Prince Seong-nam’s blood does not mix with the King’s, but the Queen objects to the result. She challenges the Chief State Councilor to take the test with Consort Hwang, and their blood also does not mix, proving that the water was contaminated and inaccurate.

Calling the other princes and the Dowager, the Queen requests the Dowager to examine her grandsons’ ears if they have a bump similar to the King. All the princes are proven to have it, but the Dowager shows a surprised reaction while checking Prince Ui-seong. 

Revealing why Prince Seong-nam lived outside the palace for a period, the Queen tells how the prince was conceived before the previous king died. Because Prince Seong-nam was a child born during the mourning period, the Queen wanted to maintain stability with the King who had just ascended the throne.

Prince Ui-seong remains motivated to become crown prince even at the expense of harming others. Meanwhile, the Queen cleans out the crown prince’s quarters, and Prince Seong-nam occupies it as the new crown prince.

Under the Queen's Umbrella

Under The Queen’s Umbrella Episode 11 Musings

Deserving as he may be through his own skills, Prince Bo-geom’s withdrawal from the contest is unfortunate. It’s regrettable to see him give up his position despite his efforts and sincerity.  

He is a prince worthy of opportunities in the royal court since his character acknowledges the dangers that his greed brought him. Unlike Prince Ui-seong and his family, Prince Bo-geom upholds his morality, which makes him more like a dignified royal despite the said weak maternal origin.

Queen Hwa-ryeong’s talk with the scholars is admirable as she does not necessarily use fear or earthly possessions to influence their decision. It is only right that scholars choose to maintain their integrity.

Though Prince Seong-nam was nearly disqualified because his royal blood is questioned, the Queen drives the Dowager to confirm his legitimacy. Judging by Consort Hwang’s and the Dowager’s reaction when Prince Ui-seong was checked, it could have been that the prince was the subject of the rumor instead of Prince Seong-nam.

Moving forward after the appointment of the crown prince, it appears that the next agenda would be the selection of a crown princess. Cheong-ha, the daughter of Minister Yoon, has a great chance of taking part and we shall look forward to how her participation will pan out despite her said health condition.

Under the Queen's Umbrella

Witness the beginning of Prince Seong-nam’s journey as crown prince in Under The Queen’s Umbrella every Saturday and Sunday on Netflix.

Photos: tvN Drama


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“Under The Queen’s Umbrella” Episode 11 Hails a New Crown Prince Through Legitimate Means
Source: Pinoy Student Wars

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