K-Shows To Look Forward To On Netflix This 2024

As the go-to destination for K-content fans worldwide, Netflix has lined up an impressive array of new series, films, and unscripted shows set to thrill audiences throughout 2024.

This year’s slate features world-class titles, returning beloved series, films that run the gamut of genres, and a wide range of unscripted shows.

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This year, our K-Content lineup delivers a diverse array of titles that capture the true essence of Korean storytellers. Whether it’s series, films, or innovative unscripted shows, we’ll share unforgettable experiences with entertainment fans worldwide and unmissable titles that you can enjoy only on Netflix,” says Don Kang, Vice President of Content (Korea), Netflix.

Netflix’s Korean unscripted shows, which broke new ground last year, are making stronger comebacks with trailblazing elements.

Physical: 100 Season 1 was the first unscripted series to be #1 on Netflix’s Global Top 10 TV (Non-English) list. With Physical: 100 Season 2 – Underground, a fresh group of 100 contestants from even more varied backgrounds will test their limits in large-scale challenges in a new underground concept.

Meanwhile, Zombieverse is upgrading its zombies in the second season, making it even harder for the new cast to survive. New cast members are set to join Season 2 where the quests are as colorful and creative as ever, and it has been reported that the zombies themselves will receive an upgrade in stats, making it harder for the cast to survive the Zombieverse universe.

Check out more unscripted shows on Netflix below!

Risqué Business: The Netherlands and Germany

Risqué Business is a talk show featuring Shin Dong-youp and Sung Si-kyung, where the two meet people from the unexplored world of adult entertainment. The candid conversations, at times spicy and at times casually cool, broach various topics on sex that many are curious about but have little knowledge of.

Previous episodes of Risqué Business have given a voice to many individuals involved in the adult entertainment industry. After exploring Japan’s sex cultures and talking to diverse LGBTQ individuals and medical sex experts in Taiwan, the two hosts are now ready to go beyond Asia to the European nations of the Netherlands and Germany.

The unscripted, mid-form variety format featuring conversations with intriguing individuals remains the same, as well as the brisk pacing within a short running time.

2024 K-Shows on Netflix

Agents of Mystery

Six agents — Lee Yong Jin, John Park, Lee Eun Ji, Hyeri, Kim Do Hoon, and Karina — probe into bizarre incidents that cannot be explained by science in this unscripted adventure mystery series.

Producer Jeong Jong-yeon, who has captivated worldwide audiences with the strategic survival game reality series The Devil’s Plan, joins forces with Netflix for the second time.

Bringing his strong points as a creator in presenting unusual premises in unique ways, Jeong pulls together a group of special agents to tackle cases that cannot be handled by an ordinary team.

Sent out to the field where strange events have occurred, these six agents solve cases in resourceful ways, keeping viewers’ eyes glued to their every move with dynamic chemistry and thrilling

Super Rich in Korea

Follow the remarkable real-life stories of multimillionaires living in ultimate luxury in this unscripted series. A Singaporean chaebol billionaire, an heir to an Italian luxury brand, a Pakistani noble family member, the Kim Kardashian of the Arab world with 50 million followers and a Paris Hilton-esque shopaholic—they all have the means to live anywhere in the world, but they love Korea
and chose to call it home.

Enter the world of these superrich expats in the top 1 percent of society. What do they do in Korea? What do they wear and eat? The reality series Super Rich in Korea peeks into the extravagant lives of the extremely wealthy in Korea.

The Influencer

The Influencer is an unscripted social survival series where South Korean influencers compete with one another to determine who has the most influence over social media, a realm where one’s reach equals power and status.

On platforms where attention is currency, these influencers who have captivated the masses will enter a survival of the fittest to find the one true content creator who generates the biggest buzz — by any means necessary. A fierce competition is about to ensue in this unique world where followers and subscribers define power and status, and anticipation is gathering for how producer Lee Jae-seok whose works include My Little Television, one of the first unscripted influencer survival shows, and Change Days, a delicate study on real-life couples on the brink of break-up — will work his magic.

Additionally, Son Su-jeong, the producer of GIRL’S RE:VERSE, is set to collaborate in crafting this never-before-seen social survival genre experience. From top influencers with a high public profile to delightfully unique cast members boasting a solid fanbase and fresh faces armed with eccentric personas, these participants will have to flex their influence in a variety of missions to survive, and viewers can eagerly anticipate what they’ll bring to the table.

Unknown Chefs (WT)

This unscripted competition series pits people from all walks of life against one another in a fierce culinary showdown. The question, “Who is the best cook in South Korea?” birthed a project
that brings together people known for their culinary prowess, regardless of their age, experience or choice of cuisine. From restaurant chefs to amateur hobbyists who reign supreme in home-cooked meals, this show will capture unprecedented fierce competition among those with a knack for “flavor.”

Created by Yoon Hyeon-jun (Crime Scene, Two Yoo Project Sugar Man, Sing Again), the star duo Kim Hak-min and Kim Eun-ji (Sing Again), and writer Mo Eun-seol (The Gentlemen’s League, Problem Child in House), Unknown Chefs brings excitement to the dining table with its gripping and suspenseful competitions.

Single’s Inferno Season 4

The sensationally popular reality dating series, Single’s Inferno, is returning for a fourth season. The hottest and flirtiest singles search for love on a deserted island once again. The only way to escape? Finding a perfect match for a romantic night in “paradise.” Since its release in 2021, the series has been heating up every winter with sizzling romance. Season 3, which aired in December 2023, surprised viewers with its unexpected rule changes and twists, straying from the formula of previous seasons.

Due to its success, Single’s Inferno became the first Netflix Korea unscripted series to be renewed for a fourth season. Single’s Inferno has been well-recognized in Korea and beyond across its
three seasons. Upon its release, Season 1 became the first Korean unscripted series to make the Netflix Global Top 10 TV Series (Non-English) list.

Season 2 sustained its popularity, remaining on
the same list for four consecutive weeks, and clocked an impressive 65.08 million cumulative viewing hours, surpassing the previous season’s record. Season 3 continued the trend, maintaining its place in the upper ranks of the Global Top 10 list (Non-English) for five consecutive weeks from its debut to the final episode, and secured a spot in the Top 10 list in 31 countries.

Breaking records for three seasons straight, Single’s Inferno leaves fans eager to see what Season 4 will bring.

*Press Release

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The post K-Shows To Look Forward To On Netflix This 2024 appeared first on kdramadiary.

K-Shows To Look Forward To On Netflix This 2024
Source: Pinoy Student Wars

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