“My Demon” Episodes 5 and 6 Seal a Marriage Contract To Protect and Survive

Falling into an unexplainable attraction, Gu-won struggled to process the strange feelings Do-hee awakened in him in the 2nd week of My Demon.

With another attempt at Do-hee’s life, Gu-won decisively proposes marriage to her.

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Episode Recaps:01 & 02 | 03 & 04 |

My Demon Episodes 5 and 6 Highlights

Previously, Do-hee declares she is her bodyguard’s bodyguard and saves him from the attack of gangsters.

Gu-won and Do-hee dance the tango and defeat the gangsters. Falling into a trance and realizing that Do-hee evoked something in him, Gu-won goes suddenly cold and goes back to his lair.

“This is it! I’ll just be clingy one last time.”

Do-hee who can’t process why her handsome bodyguard turns hot and then cold wants to satisfy her curiosity and goes to visit him.

But her intention was met with another coldness.

With a lot of things to do, Do-hee had to find a husband so she could take over the company which currently had Madam Ju’s son, Noh Suk-min appointed as acting chairman.

A glimpse of the people working to harm Do-hee is getting clearer just as Suk-min’s son Do-kyung is shaping to be involved in his grandmother’s death.

After meeting the blind date, Do-hee is resigned to proceed with a fake marriage with him making Gu-won feel furious inwardly. Their cold war hits a high when he proposes to find the culprit. They meet the gangster’s boss and with his power, Gu-won threatens him.

Do-hee stops him and he lashes out at how his life has been a rollercoaster ever since their connection started. She proposes ending the bodyguard arrangement and they both go home upset.

“I’d been taking death too lightly. Not because I was brave but because I didn’t know what it was really like to die. That feeling when the world you believed in disappears… and you’re left completely alone.”

At home, Do-hee suddenly hears music from the living room. The culprit attacks him and she wakes up hanging from the balcony of her place with the culprit cutting the cloth and suspending her.

Fortunately, Do-hee triggered the SOS on her phone which she set to be Gu-won. On the brink of death, she was saved by Gu-won who run through the stairs of the building.

The hiding culprit makes his attack but Gu-won activates his power to cushion their fall and land safe. Finally releasing the stress of what happened, Do-hee cried while hugging Gu-won, and he calmed her down reassuring everything would be okay.

Suk-hoon witnesses the two in an embrace as he also rushes to where she is because he’s also marked as her emergency person. Later, he learns about what happened and they deduce that people are working together to harm Do-hee.

Insistent on knowing about the deal between Gu-won and Do-hee, Suk-hoon asserts he has the right as he will always be on Do-hee’s side.

Learning that sharing pain and happiness is what Suk-hoon means, Gu-won declares that he should not worry because he is also on Do-hee’s side.

Worried about her plight, Do-hee is joined by Suk-hoon at the veranda and he offers marriage to her. Ju-won also reaches for his hand and offers the same.

With two proposals in front of her, Do-hee decides to think first. She gets visited by Suk-hoon the next day with a potted flower. He genuinely conveys how he has always treated her as family.

“Just because. I don’t want you to die.”

Joining a company event which she seldom attends to, Do-hee spots a man with scars on his nape. She notices strange reactions from Do-kyung. She also invites the family to her wedding.

On her wedding day, Do-hee walks with her groom Gu-won which wins her deliberation when he reveals his reason for getting married to her because he does not want her to die.

Before their wedding, they agreed to a prenuptial agreement that they would act as a real couple in public.

Marking a starting point, the two live together and sleep on different beds on their first night. The next day, Do-hee tracks Do-kyung with Gu-won.

They end up on a subway and discover Do-kyung checking a coin locker. Noticing eyes on his back, Do-Kyung goes to the photo place situated across the locker.

Ju-won’s power, strangely, did not work when they needed to teleport. So, he settles for a surprise kiss.

My Demon Episodes 5 and 6 Musings

Nicely paced, My Demon does not waste each episode by showering viewers with ample intrigue and dreamy moments shared by the bickering main leads.

The resurfacing memories of Gu-won’s past life staring at a woman in a sword dance point to the possibility of how he could be linked with Do-hee in the past. That led to the anomalous transfer of his power with her and his growing attraction.

Navigating the mystery of Madam Ju’s death and Do-hee’s death threats honestly feels heavy, but the interaction of the lead pair and their journey of discovering genuine romance make their story addictively hooking.

We can envision more demon-protecting-damsel-heiress in the subsequent episodes. Hopefully, we can get more saccharine moments between them.

The scene where Madam Ju was chiding someone seemingly connected to the bad enigma that is Do-kyung. But his involvement with the cryptic culprits needs more elaboration.

Strangely, Gu-won’s power met an abnormality which adds to more fantasy details that the narrative would expound.

But so far, the layering of fantasy elements make this series fresh and lively.

Follow how love sweetly blossoms between a devil and a devilish woman in My Demon. International fans can watch it on Netflix.

Photos: SBS Drama

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“My Demon” Episodes 5 and 6 Seal a Marriage Contract To Protect and Survive
Source: Pinoy Student Wars

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