“Delivery Man” Episodes 9 and 10 Uncover Connected Crimes Committed By Remorseless Villains

Unearthing the true identities of heartless people preying on their patients, Delivery Man saw a dangerous situation for the hero in its penultimate week.

Gathering evidence and working on clues, Young-min and Ji-hyun discovered the real conspirators of Young-min’s mom’s hit-and-run case as well as why Ji-hyun was targeted by the villains.

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Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | 03| 04 & 05 | 06| 07 & 08 |

Delivery Man

Delivery Man Episode 9 and 10 Highlights

Previously in Delivery Man, Ji-hyun and Young-min were asked to help with the missing Kim Jung-woo by his girlfriend.

They ended up going to his place and saw photos of themselves like they were being stalked.

“Seo Young-min, you keep popping out of weird places.”

Surprised to see the photos, Jung-woo’s girlfriend swears she has not seen those photos before.

Unfortunately, Young-min’s presence in the apartment where a dead body is found leads to cell detention. Expectedly no traces of his DNA and fingerprint existed on the victim so he was let go.

The detectives also give details that Jung-woo is a possible culprit. Also, it could involve the cases of Ji-hyun and Young-min’s mom.

Noticing a poster of Ji-hyun, the two figure out her connection to Detective Kang Hyung-soo. They visit her house and Young-min talks to her father about his connection to build trust. He then relays his thoughts that the two deaths are connected.

However, Detective Kang honestly tells he cannot trust him yet. When he visits Ji-hyun, he tells the same. He can’t tell him that Ji-hyun is in a coma because of his reservations.

Bothered by her situation of not moving on yet to the next life, Young-min is slightly disappointed in how Ji-hyun seems to want to leave him badly.

Delivery Man

“The longer you stay by my side, the harder it will be for both of us.”

Further probing the cases, they ask Mi-kyung about a possible place where her boyfriend Jung-woo could be. They were led to the vacation home of Nurse Hee-yeon. Unknown to them Dr. Do knows of the visit because of the installed CCTV that he can peek at.

Ji-hyun is also baffled at how Nurse Hee-yeon seems to be not surprised at all seeing Mi-kyung dead.

They again visit Detective Kang to convey their thoughts about the cases. Backed up by Detective Kang, they meet the detectives working on the case to share their suspicion of Nurse Hee-yeon.

Meanwhile, Young-min receives sad news about his friend’s mother’s passing. They go to the funeral and see Doctor Do. Ji-hyun catches him smiling while comforting Young-min’s friend who is grieving in pain.

Pointing out what she saw, Young-min thought she might have seen it wrong. Later, Young-min’s gift also helped his friend get final consoling words from her dead mother.

“You had no idea I killed your mother. Watching you feel indebted to me, do you know how much I enjoyed it?”

Ji-hyun insists on her initial suspicion of Nurse Hee-yeon. When Nurse Jung-woo’s girlfriend gave a clue about a note left by someone, Young-min traces the note to Nurse Hee-yeon.

Still, she bravely evades Young-min’s questioning just as how she was vague with the police questioning. Reporting it right away to Young-min, Dr. Do makes a move by dragging Young-min to his secret lair after hitting him.

Earlier the evil doctor already killed Jung-woo. Affirming his inhumane deeds, he even told Young-min that seeing him brings joy as he killed his mom and yet he feels grateful to him. Proceeding to clean his mess, he set his hideout ablaze with a raging fire. Ji-hyun who can’t do anything about it just scream in desperation.

Delivery Man Episode 9 and 10 Musings

Racing against time, Young-min and Ji-hyun work together in decrypting the mystery linking the accidents that happened that unfortunate day.

Ji-hyun’s recovery situation also raises concern, hopefully, they get to achieve a happy ending at the very least.

Hiding the real truth about the antagonists, viewers saw the twist coming. Thankfully, the narrative anticipated the right number of episodes to keep the interest going.

Through shared secrets, guilt, and pain; Dr. Do and Nurse Hee-yeon became involved in irreversible atrocious deeds. The former probably attribute his act to the emotional and physical trauma incurred at the hands of his grandfather.

Nurse Hee-yeon who protected him formed a dangerous bond and became a resident accessory to his crimes.

Will Young-min survive his plight? Will Ji-hyun survive?

Take the backseat of Young-min’s taxi as he fulfills the wishes of spirit passengers in Delivery Man!

Photos: SC From Viu | Studio Genie

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“Delivery Man” Episodes 9 and 10 Uncover Connected Crimes Committed By Remorseless Villains
Source: Pinoy Student Wars

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