“Big Bet Season 2” Episode 4 Pursues Justice Through Pushing a False Accusation 

Even without hard evidence, Cha Moo-sik sees his fall after his arrest in Big Bet Season 2.

Moving forward to claim his shares in the hotel’s profits, Chil-gu sneaks a fake contract into Mr. Min’s documents. Meanwhile, Consul Jo points Moo-sik as Mr. Min’s murderer to an NBI special agent.

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Big Bet Recaps: 01 – 03 | 04 & 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 + Season 1 Review | Season 2 01 – 03

Big Bet Season 2

Big Bet Season 2 Episode 4 Highlights

“Yeah, I wanted to work with you, not…kill somebody.”

Coming from a salon, Jung-pal panics at the news and sight of Mr. Min lying dead on his office floor. He notifies Moo-sik right away, but Moo-sik arrives at the hospital emergency room with Mr. Min’s body lifeless.

Witnessing the murder, Mr. Min’s longtime employee Bok-nam blankly sits speechless while being interrogated by Seung-hun. 

Moo-sik mourns at Mr. Min’s funeral while Consul Jo and Choi Chil-gu attend it despite their knowledge of the murder. Consul Jo tries to clean his hands from it, but Chil-gu remains persistent in pursuing his shares in the hotel’s profits. 

With that, he and Consul Jo sneak into Mr. Min’s office at night and hides from Bok-nam who also comes in. Securing the documents and bundles of cash in the safe, Bok-nam puts those in a bag including the investment contract Chil-gu slipped in.

Chil-gu later uses the paper he slipped in to make his claim for the hotel’s shares, but Bok-nam tells Moo-sik the contract is fake since Mr. Min underwent surgery on the day the fake contract was signed.

big bet season 2

“If you want to catch somebody, you have to have hard evidence first.”

Seung-hun collects vague information on the killer’s vehicle and sketch. Pinpointing that Mr. Min is connected with Moo-sik in running a private casino, Mark reminds him to remain objective. 

Meanwhile, Consul Jo makes his way to frame Moo-sik as Mr. Min’s murderer at the NBI. To support his claims, he talks about Jung-pal’s presence at the crime scene, and the possible motive for taking over the hotel.

While Moo-sik is being unfairly framed by the NBI, the real killer of Mr. Min gets sent abroad. Meeting at a church, Moo-sik clears his name to Seung-hun, showing him the fake investment contract Chil-gu brought. Despite Seung-hun’s disapproval, the NBI attempts to catch Moo-sik while the local police lose control of the case.

big bet season 2

“No flower can bloom for ten days. Cherry blossoms and forsythia, they all die in ten days.”

As bait in Bolton, an American named Brian lures Moo-sik out by proposing a business venture in Pyongyang. The NBI arrives at their meeting place, and the special agent proceeds with Moo-sik’s arrest despite being stopped by his superiors.

Denied making a phone call, Moo-sik complains about his heart condition, so the NBI sends him to the hospital. There, he calls Daniel who suggests he escape from the hospital. However, Moo-sik requests to be sent back to Korea rather than keep running forever.

Moving on the sides, Consul Jo and Chil-gu bribe an official in the justice department to extradite Moo-sik despite the murder happening in the Philippines. Moo-sik finally agrees to hold a press conference, being the only option for him to be able to go back to Korea.

big bet season 2

Big Bet Season 2 Episode 4 Musings

To a certain extent, Moo-sik can only be protected by his influential connections. Like a foreshadowing, Jung-pal’s words about flowers withering possibly tells what comes ahead in the next episodes. 

Even though he was not Mr. Min’s murderer, Moo-sik is still immoral in another way. The same goes for Consul Jo and Chil-gu. Though they may be wronged by Mr. Min and Moo-sik, retaliating by murder is still inexcusable.

Reasonably wanting to seek justice and cease corruption, the NBI special agent chooses the wrong methods to attain that goal. Sharing the same goal, Seung-hun following the books may be inflexible, but this method could be the best.

On following protocols and punishing criminals, this episode has presented a lot of flaws in the existing corrupted system. In a bunch of rotten characters, the most rational person to root for is the lesser evil one.

Going back to the scene from the first episode of the last season, the story of Moo-sik continues with a deeper context of his situation. No longer just about gambling, the series shifts into attacking an ineffective system that society needs to address.

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Photos: Disney+

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“Big Bet Season 2” Episode 4 Pursues Justice Through Pushing a False Accusation 
Source: Pinoy Student Wars

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