“Alchemy of Souls Part 2” Episode 6 Braves Lone Battles For Love and For Making Things Right

Past the middle mark, Alchemy Of Souls Part 2 solidifies why it is worth the wait on its 6th serving!

Spectacularly amazing, the series builds up the conflict to an enthralling path that makes viewers anticipate the story every week.

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Episode Recaps: 01| 02| 03| 04| 05

K-Drama Review: “Alchemy of Souls” Part 1 Superbly Creates Crafty Narrative Decorated By Riveting Characters

Alchemy of Souls Part 2

Alchemy of Souls Part 2 Episode 6 Highlights

Surprised to hear another familiar story from Bu-yeon, Wook can’t fathom the strange similarity of how her hand feels exactly the same as Naksu, along with recent memories she claims to be really hers.

Asserting she wants him to see her as she is when he holds her hand, Wook pulls her close sensing someone’s presence in the vicinity. Recognizing it as Yul, Wook was impressed when his friend indeed shows up revealing his mission to get So-yi, who is currently being tortured by Lady Jin. On the brink of forcing So-yi to drink poison, Lady Jin’s servant announced Jang Wook’s presence.

Alchemy of Souls Part 2

“Hiding her in that dark room and sewing that thread into her back is not what a loving mother would do.”

Relaying his intention to enter Jinyowon, Yul and Bu-yeon save So-yi who tearfully shared that Lady Jin affirmed that there’s a way to keep Yul alive. Seeing Bu-yeon, So-yi mumbles cryptic words that baffled Bu-yeon.

Successfully checking that the firebird hasn’t hatched yet, Lady Jin asserts returning her daughter back. Wook refuses as he can’t find the logic of how Lady Jin can say that Bu-yeon is protected when she was as good as a prisoner and even bore the pain of a tracking thread.

Later, Wook learns from Bu-yeon that Yul saved a badly-wounded woman named So-yi. Settling the wounded So-yi at Jeongjingak, Yul learns from her that Mu-deok is really Naksu whose body was retrieved from the lake three years ago. So-yi also reveals that inside Bu-yeon’s body is Naksu’s spirit and the face she carries is also that of Nak-su.

So-yi’s revelation put Yul’s emotions in turmoil that when he saw Bu-yeon who was worried that he might be feeling pained, he asked for an embrace with an excuse that he needs to realign his direction since he lost his way. Bu-yeon warmly takes him in her arms to appease whatever is worrying him.

Yul explains he was indebted to So-yi for saving him when they were trapped inside the barrier that’s why he was returning the favor.

“Just go home with me.”

Yun-ok’s maid annoys Bu-yeon by hinting her husband cares more about Yul than staying the night at her mother’s residence. Responding they already visited Jinyowon and it is her friend that they were visiting, Bu-yeon gets up and sees her husband and Yun-ok standing together.

Belatedly learning that Wook is going home when she already declared staying at Jeongjingak, Wook saves her by holding her hand and coaxing her that she should go home with him. Beaming, Bu-yeon’s heart flutters with her groom’s gesture.

Wook listens to how Bu-yeon and Yul got close while holding hands going back home. Meanwhile, So-yi and Yul agree to keep Bu-yeon’s identity as leverage they can use against Lady Jin for the cure of Yul’s fatal illness.

Looping Wook to her betrothal news, Maidservant Kim appreciated how her favorite man can’t find words to express his happiness for the news she brought. Unable to report recent investigations about what’s causing kingdom-wide drought, Dang-gu and the mages formally report to Master Park.

Meanwhile, Wook also reports to Master Lee who was surprised to know that he went to Jinyowon. He also relays that the firebird is being planned to be used with ill intentions.

Just as they know something dark is being brewed by Jin Mu, the villain has already reported to the king the drying up of water sources which is worrying the people.

He implores their permission to meet the Unanimous Assembly to discuss rushing the set rite for Lake Gyeongcheondaeho. Aside from that, he moves to reward Jang Wook by sending him out of Daeho to be stationed at the Northern fortress.

“You already know that the King’s Star, which is known to be the Crown Prince’s is actually yours.”

Discussing how they will proceed to the royal family’s Jin Mu’s actions; Master Lee discerns it to be a revolt. Given that he is the true owner of King’s star, he can also win if he raises a fight against them. Opening up about his knowledge of who his real father is, Master Lee opines how his birth secret is like Pandora’s box that caused people’s unfair deaths.

A flashback to the aftermath of that palace and Cheonbugwan’s brutal chase of Naksu reveals how Wook wanted to avenge his lover. But Master Park did not sugarcoat his reality as the son of the late king through the alchemy of souls.

Wook also learned how Naksu’s father died protecting the truth that he was born under the King’s star, and that Jang Gang also died for the same cause. Master Park warned him that if he uses his immense power to bring disorder to the kingdom, he would also stop him.

From that conversation, Wook vowed to do nothing. Asking Master Lee why his master gave such a problem because of the ice stone, he gave a meaningful smile knowing how the ice stone inside him would help him save what he thought he has failed to protect.

Bu-yeon’s energy-tracking ability came in handy in the search for the volcanic earthenware drying up the waters of Daeho. Impressed by her ability, Master Park also learned how she’s trying to regain her memories and how there are some energies that she sees that can be too overwhelming.

Alchemy of Souls Part 2

“You saved this turtle. A man like you can never be hopeless.”

Meeting at Chwiseonru, Prince Won showed Bu-yeon how the turtle should be fed. The prince deduced her marital problem continues and suggests to just cheating if her husband is not sleeping in her room.

She shares planning to move to a different room hoping that it will not confuse him anymore in case Wook is still being reminded by Naksu. Prince Won also shares how he feels stuffy and avoids something at his big house with a lot of rooms that’s why he went out.

Venting out his thoughts about pretending to be something that he’s not, he confessed having gone too far when she advised he can stop if it was too much to handle. Bu-yeon reassures him that he can never be hopeless since he saved a turtle.

Amused at how he was comforted by her words, they say goodbye and decide to pay a visit to Jang Wook. Still feeling apathetic to Prince Won, he considers the king’s reward proposal to leave the kingdom.

Prince Won who inferred Wook already knew about Jin Mu’s scheme involving the fire bird throw profound advice reminding him of what his master instilled in him – that is to die than do nothing.

“I am doing this to make up for my ongoing regrets. Because that pain is much greater than the pain I feel now. You gave me a chance to do that.”

Worried about the pain Yul keeps fighting, So-yi proposes to meet Lady Jin for the cure, but he stops her from doing it. He details how his choice is redeeming himself from things he could have done but failed to do so.

He pleads So-yi to understand his concern. With tears falling on her face, she agrees but requests him to take some pain relievers that Yun-ok concocted for her.

Walking together, Bu-yeon showed off Songrim’s plaque that would enable her to enter the area easily. Remembering how it was hard for him to get that access, Wook narrates how his master pushed him to do well.

Casually mentioning Naksu’s words that he has heard all day from Master Lee and Prince Won, Wook gives her a surprised look which she deduced to her confusing him again.

Promising to get stronger so she can protect him, Wook mutters how he’s getting confused about what he really wants from her. Bu-yeon declares wanting to create her own room so she can discover herself and decorate it with her own colors. That way it will be easier for him to find her.

Inching closer to give him an embrace, she vows to keep him warm. Wook hugs her back with a smile.

Alchemy of Souls Part 2

“Seeing that tree will help me find out who I really am.”

Enraged at the news of how the pieces of earthenware got thrown in the lake, Jin Mu orders to get So-yi who does a great job in his commands than Seo Yun-oh. Sending off So-yi to his hometown, Yul bids So-yi goodbye. Later, when he overheard Bu-yeon’s intention to go to Danhyanggok, Yul offers to bring her there.

At night, Wook is bothered by the strangeness of Bu-yeon’s retrieved memories that are seemingly like Naksu’s, he tries to check if she indeed did not bring the stone, and Bu-yeon who found him lurking in her room opened the drawer where she kept it.

Informing her of the plan to go to Danhyanggok with Yul, they engage in a logical verbal spat as Wook insists she cannot be friends with his friend because that will make them friends. Arguing they cannot be friends since she gives him a hug and puts him to bed, Wook realized what he just told.

It made Bu-yeon inwardly happy. In the end, he allowed her to go with Yul and walked away.

“Not a single person will walk out of here alive.”

Before heading to Danhyanggok, Yul meets with Master Heo who asked about So-yi. Sensing Yul looks pained, he tried to check his health but he made an excuse to come another time.

Wanting to make sure that Yul went to Jinyowon, So-yi returned with her minion to confirm it. But what met her are Jin Mu’s men who try to wring out who has the parasite meant for her. Alarmed by So-yi’s minion, Yul goes to the gambling den. At the same time, Bu-yeon also confesses to Wook about his friend’s serious illness.

Fighting off Jin Mu’s men, Yul’s depleted energy failed to protect him and So-yi. On the cusp of being killed, Wook arrived. With his friend losing consciousness right before his eyes, Wook gives a murderous stare and warning that he will kill Jin Mu’s men.

Alchemy of Souls Part 2

Alchemy of Souls Part 2 Episode 6 Musings

26 episodes later, being awed at how the Hong sisters tightly wrote the details of the plot to catapult riveting cliffhangers is such a K-Drama fan life-affirming moment.

Yul’s decision to bear the weight of Naksu’s secret existence, in a way, stems from his thinking that he can sacrifice himself because he’s dying. It will break hearts if that really happens. But that epiphany briefly showed him killing Naksu and himself agonizingly – presents the picture of how he wants to protect his friends and the kingdom.

Taking Lady Jin’s words about the parasite cure, it looks like the firebird might be needed to revive Yul. This episode also sends off So-yi who impeccably brought life to her character.

Alchemy of Souls Part 2

Feeling happy about the progress of Bu-yeon charming what really belongs to her, we can taste the nearing discovery of how fate played with her and Wook. Hopefully, they snap out of its unfairness and face the pressing concerns.

Master Lee’s remark about Naksu remembering her memories when Bu-yeon regains her powers is slightly confusing since early on it was indicated that Lady Jin was asked to make a choice of keeping Bu-yeon’s body by letting Naksu’s energy seeps into her system. His new words hint that Naksu is hosting inside Bu-yeon’s body and who will be kicked out between them is uncertain.

This theory brings us back to the mystifying possibility that Bu-yeon’s nature having been revived to life by the ice stone and born as Jinyowon’s heir possesses an uncanny ability yet to be explained.

Interestingly, in the midst of approaching marriage celebrations, the schemes of Jin Mu mean business in his ultimate intention to possess Jinyowon. Sides will be taken inescapably that will sow discord among the families of mages.

Can Seo Yul survive his ordeal? Can Jin Mu complete his plan to induce disagreement in Daeho?

Be entranced by the wondrous world of Daeho in Alchemy of Souls Part 2. International fans can watch it on Netflix.

Photos: tvN Drama | SC Netflix

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“Alchemy of Souls Part 2” Episode 6 Braves Lone Battles For Love and For Making Things Right
Source: Pinoy Student Wars

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