“Blind” Episodes 9 and 10 Discover Concealed Identities Lying Nearby

Released from murder accusations, Sung-jun traces the connection of the jurors to Hope Welfare Center in Blind.

Following their mother’s request, Sung-hoon hands over the footage of the real killer of Jung Man-chun. Back in investigating, Sung-jun and Eun-ki find people related to Hope Welfare Center. As Sung-jun sees the photo sent by the nun from Sarang Orphanage, he realizes that Sung-hoon is boy 11.

Marcie Line watches Blind on Viu

Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 & 06 | 07 | 08

Blind Episodes 9 and 10 Highlights

“To the rich and powerful, a mistake is a memory to look back on. To those with nothing, a mistake equals a crash.”

In the basement of Hope Welfare Center with a camera in his hand, Mr. Bae finds boys 11, 12, and 13, and pledges to tell the world about them. Boys 11 and 13 beg that boy 12 be saved first since he is bleeding.

Uttering his last words, An Tae-ho regrets betraying the group, and fondly reminisces about their times together enduring tough times. Time runs out for him and Sung-hoon tries to save him. Sung-jun follows after waking up, but they fail to save and resuscitate him.

Sung-hoon stops Sung-jun, telling him to just think that An Tae-ho has chosen to punish himself. Sung-hoon then receives a text that the event is over.

Mr. Baek and his men arrive, and they torture Sung-hoon in front of Sung-jun whom they also beat up. However, the police arrive and take Sung-jun as Sung-hoon reported it to the police beforehand. 

Chief Yeom orders Detective Kang to kill Mr. Baek after he gets his revenge on Sung-jun. He reminds the detective that this is not his first time killing since he already suffocated Jung Man-chun’s son with a pillow.

Sung-hoon’s mom slaps him for poorly handling the issue with Sung-jun, but he reasons out it was the best option to save them both from Mr. Baek, which shakes his mom.


“Revenge begot revenge.”

Detective Kang carries out Chief Yeom’s order, but he tries to strike a deal with Mr. Baek to know the chief’s secrets. Mr. Baek requests to be uncuffed first, and Detective Kang follows, but he gets assaulted right after. Mr. Baek then goes to attack Sung-jun.

Hearing out his mother, Sung-hoon hands the flash drive to the police that proves Mr. Baek killed Jung Man-chun. While they’re watching, the team gets informed that Mr. Baek escaped, and they see Sung-jun strangling him.

Chief Yeom briefs the press that Mr. Baek is the real culprit of the deaths of Jung Man-chun and his family. Sung-jun’s name gets cleared, and Sung-hoon receives a call from his mom thanking him.

The remaining jurors attend An Tae-ho’s funeral, where Mr. Bae isn’t aware that Sung-jun is already cleared of the charges.


“So, he struggled to get to where is now. Is that why he has a lot to hide?”

Eun-ki notices In-seong’s wound on his lip, and he reasons it out on being tired. The director of Hope welfare center calls Eun-ki informing her about a nun knowledgeable of the center, which catches Sung-hoon’s and In-seong’s attention.  

Mr. Baek’s dead wife is found in his freezer, and Sung-jun finds no connection between him with Detective Kang. However, he calls the unknown number Mr. Baek frequently called, and discovers it to be Chief Yeom’s. 

Staging a drunk scene with Captain Oh, Sung-jun sneakily grabs Chief Yeom’s phone after seeing the photos of a skeleton. In that phone, they find a video of his daughter being killed.

Investigating the basement of Hope Welfare Center, Sung-jun falls into a headache recalling a memory of being called by his mom while boy 13 tries to grab him, asking to be rescued.


“You don’t know yourself just because you remember.”

Predicting that the next target is among the remaining jurors, Sung-jun draws their connection to Hope Welfare Center. Charles’ older brother went missing, and Chief Yeom was the one to inform his parents that their child isn’t in Hope Welfare Center. 

Meanwhile, Mr. Bae turns out to have stopped an investigative show about the center, and Kyung-ja has witnessed the boys being dragged by men. She also recalls how she saw boy 13’s future filled with blood.

For In-seong, who was adopted by American parents, he cannot recall much of his childhood because of a car accident. Asked about the possibility of coming from Hope welfare center, he tears up saying both of his parents are dead.

Sung-jun brings him to a restaurant he frequents, and he hears how the owner lost her son. In-seong then sees the photo of the boy also named Jung In-seong, and looks like boy 12.

Eun-ki tells Sung-jun how she’s unsure of her mom’s connection to the center since her mom is a nurse. Relaying what she heard from the nun, Eun-ki tells Sung-jun that Yoon-jae died years ago and that what he remembers may be a false memory.

Visiting the mass grave, Sung-jun remembers being called Yoon-jae when he was about to fall in a playground. Unsure who he is, Sung-jun gets drunk and Sung-hoon takes him home. 

Speaking drunk as if he was confronting someone for calling him Yoon-jae, Sung-hoon becomes deeply bothered.

Sober on the next day with a meal prepared by Sung-hoon, Sung-jun tells his brother about his concern about Yoon-jae who was already dead years ago.


“Come on. Let’s go become normal people.”

Eun-ki who visited her mother at her workplace coincidentally meets In-seong who also came there for work. Their conversation about the Hope welfare center gets cut in the car as Eun-ki receives a call.

Revisiting the footage of Kang Ha-na’s wedding, Sung-jun and his team see a man all dressed in black being followed by An Tae-ho. Sung-jun then recalls seeing his brother that day.

Yu-na sees Sung-hoon following Eun-ki, so Sung-hoon treats her in exchange for her silence. In the food cart, they talk about becoming the person they want to be.

Sung-hoon confirms from his past trial records that Nurse Jo used to work at Hope Welfare Center while Sung-jun follows one of Mr. Baek’s men and meets Nurse Jo. 

Claiming she knows nothing of what happened to the center after it shut down, she speaks up after Sung-jun informs her of the recent murders happening. She reveals the relative ages of the boys and talks about how boy 12 got badly hurt after being caught in a trap. Worried for her daughter, Sung-jun realizes that she is Eun-ki’s mom.

Yu-na tells Eun-ki that she already has someone to represent her in school, and enjoys looking at her photos with Sung-hoon.

Hearing a whistle, Eun-ki and Yu-na follow the sound. Though warned by Sung-jun not to go out, Eun-ki still goes out and gets pushed to the wall with her mouth covered by Sung-hoon dressed in a black poncho with a hood.

Arriving in the center, Sung-jun sees the photo of Yoon-jung, Yoon-jae, and Gabriel. He realizes that boy 11 is Sung-hoon, and discovers the carved numbered boys in his room.


Blind Episodes 9 and 10 Musings

Yoon-jae is dead, and this changes everything from the investigation. Most of the events that happened point to Sung-hoon being the culprit. However, his concerned reactions do not match the hints pointing to him. 

There are details not realized right away in the earlier episodes, like Eun-ki’s mom who was already visited by Mr. Baek asking her about the children from the center. Moreover, the POVs of Sung-jun’s memories show he is like an observer rather than the person who experienced it.

Much of the details point to Sung-hoon, from the mark on his shoe sole, his bond with Yoon-jae and his sister, his carving hobby, and the figures of the boys from the center. As reasonable and plausible as it may be since he is the person that lost people the most, his POV as the culprit is yet to fully prove everything.

While In-seong appears to be close to being boy 12, with the age and name, his past is yet to be explicitly described. It has been said that boy 12 and Yoon-jae are close in age, and this could also be a hint of another revelation.

Since the middle of the series, the drama has been showing interesting hints. There are still reasons and connections needed to be drawn especially from Charles, so revisiting earlier episodes might help deduce the connections.


Watch new episodes of Blind every Friday and Saturday on Viu.

Photos: tvN Drama


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“Blind” Episodes 9 and 10 Discover Concealed Identities Lying Nearby
Source: Pinoy Student Wars

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