“Blind” Episodes 13 and 14 Dissolve False Memories and Misbeliefs Since Childhood

Eun-ki and Sung-jun fall in disbelief after realizing the truth in the recent episodes of Blind.

In-seong locks Eun-ki and the rest of the people involved in Hope Welfare Center in the same basement they were in before. With Sung-hoon’s help, Sung-jun and the police catch In-seong. However, as he is Yoon-jae, he hints about Sung-hoon’s betrayal.

Marcie Line watches Blind on Viu

Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 & 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 & 10 | 11 & 12

Blind Episodes 13 and 14 Highlights

“A mom and a son can recognize each other. That’s what it means to be drawn to family.”

Realizing Yoon-jae already passed by him in Sung-hoon’s room, Mr. Baek chases In-seong but loses him.

Still believing In-seong is her son, the restaurant owner denies abandoning her son after being confronted. A flashback shows where number 13 makes number 12 realize he was abandoned by his mom and offers to kill her for him. Defending herself, she remembers not seeing her son in the same spot she left after coming back from the bus.

Sung-hoon explains that he kept the secret that Mr. Baek killed Jung Man-chun because he wanted to follow and discover the culprit secretly. Sung-jun admits he was suspicious of his brother, and Sung-hoon feels thankful he cleared his name by getting stabbed.

Even with the restaurant owner’s hesitation to run a DNA test, Sung-jun collects In-seong’s DNA, and the forensics confirms his sibling is Jung Yoon-jung.

Chief Yeom receives a photo of him with Yoon-jung, and being demanded 100,000 dollars, he thinks it’s the perfect time to eliminate both Yoon-jae and that evidence.

Eun-ki receives a photo of her mom tied up and follows In-seong’s instructions to come alone. However, she only meets Na Guk-hee who is unconscious. Charles, who brought her there, tells her that his motive isn’t revenge. Instead, he just doesn’t want the person he’s helping to take the fall alone.

Sung-jun’s team looks into the missing people: Kyung-ja, Mr. Bae, Nurse Jo, Eun-ki, the restaurant owner, Na Guk-hee, Charles, and Chief Yeom.


“Sometimes, it’s unavoidable to sacrifice one person for the greater good.”

Sung-jun and Sung-hoon notice the new scribble in the drawing pad number 45 used. Following the 240 which is the address of the vacation house Yoon-jung was locked in, Sung-jun realizes it was just a decoy, and that the missing people can be found in Hope Welfare Center.

Chief Yeom wakes up in the basement of Hope Welfare Center after being sedated while trying to run away. Mr. Baek, also present inside, continues to bleed after being caught in a trap like number 12 while chasing In-seong. 

In-seong gives the detained people an opportunity to survive provided one of them will be killed. Eun-ki objects to it, and believes Minister Na shares the same view. However, she gets disappointed learning the minister does not.

The restaurant owner, mother of number 12, volunteers herself, but the rest of them agree to choose who deserves the most to die. They all begin pointing hands, exposing each other’s faults concerning the center. Kyung-ja washes her hands stating she only witnessed the boys being dragged, but Mr. Baek recalls her asking Yoon-jae to be killed. 


“Everyone’s life matters, whether they have parents or not.”

Nurse Jo calls out Mr. Bae for not airing his report, but he exposes her as being unqualified to treat the boys, working together with Chief Yeom and Mr. Baek. He also defends himself saying he was silenced by Minister Na. 

Diffusing the blame on her, Minister Na reveals Chief Yeom used the children in the welfare center to make money while also causing Yoon-jung to die. 

Chief Yeom shares that Minister Na’s husband also partook in violating Yoon-jung, and that Mr. Baek is the most sinful for torturing the children while also donating them as cadavers.

Eun-ki tries to stop Mr. Baek from killing the restaurant owner, and she gets compared to her mother. About to be killed, Nurse Jo stops Mr. Baek saying Eun-ki is his daughter.

Fascinated with the reactions, In-seong comes down. However, he comes back to his monitor after someone has arrived. Sung-jun comes down to the basement, and In-seong gets ready to detonate the bomb. Pressing the button, nothing happens, so he comes back down and gets caught by Sung-jun.


“The interest of others never lasts. They’ll forget about it when something else comes along.”

The police detain In-seong, however, they only have circumstantial evidence. Na Guk-hee holds a press conference, lying about persuading the suspect since she adopted Sung-hoon from Hope Welfare Center. Meanwhile, Chief Yeom pressures Sung-jun’s team to finish the investigation within a week, and disposes of In-seong’s hard drive which could be used as evidence.

Eager to find direct evidence, Sung-jun brings Sung-hoon to talk to In-seong. Sung-jun wonders why In-seong is asking if he was being betrayed. Sung-hoon relays to his brother that In-seong whispered the evidence is in the safest place. 

The mother of number 12 brings food to In-seong, and he describes how he ended her son’s misery of being left untreated after getting caught in a trap.

Eun-ki convinces Sung-hoon to expose the truth about Hope Welfare Center to the media together even though other witnesses are hesitant.


“If you had wanted to take revenge, you should’ve made the guilty people pay for their crimes.”

Observing In-seong’s actions with the clam, Sung-jun finds his memory card in his earbuds from the evidence-holding area at the police station. Calling the murderer of Ms. Yeom weak, Sung-jun taunts In-seong, making him speak about following Mr. Choi when he hit Ms. Yeom.

Mentioning Sung-hoon in their conversation, In-seong makes Sung-jun realize that he was the one who pushed him from the playground. As In-seong suggested, Sung-jun asks about his necklace. Sung-hoon tells him it was a necklace that meant he accepted him as his real brother since Yoon-jae and Yoon-jung also had one in the past. 

Producer Bae plans to proceed with his new investigative documentary about Hope Welfare Center, and informs Minister Na and Chief Yeom about it. Eun-ki tries to persuade Kyung-ja to give her statement, but she insists on not doing so and thinks about number 11’s future. 

Reporters flock to In-seong, and he tells them that they don’t owe anyone an apology, it’s the other way around while looking at Charles from afar.

Feeling betrayed after seeing Sung-hoon in the hallway, In-seong pushes Sung-jun down the stairs after asking him again about his necklace. There, he remembers Sung-hoon implanting false memories of him being Yoon-jae from Hope Welfare Center.


Blind Episodes 13 and 14 Musings

In-seong’s act of revenge is detestable, but at the same time somehow understandable for Chief Yeom and Mr. Baek. Their offenses towards the children are just unforgivable and disturbingly disgusting.

Adding to that, Mr. Baek just goes down more to the pit after the shocking revelation of impregnating Nurse Jo. So many of the adults involved with the center just proved how selfish they were. 

They really wronged in so many ways the children who have been tortured and have died unfairly. Looking at how Minister Na and Chief Yeom react after being locked up, they are still the same selfish people with no remorse.

Eun-ki who grew up differently from her father is a prime example of how the environment could change a child’s upbringing. As she said, if the adults helped the children at that time, things could’ve been different for In-seong. 

While Chief Yeom and the others involved in torturing children are always inexcusable, In-seong’s murders are still unforgivable. Sung-hoon shakes viewers’ trust in the recent episodes, and we shall await next week’s finale for the whole truth of his character as well as Charles’.


Watch next week’s thrilling finale episodes of Blind on Viu.

Photos: tvN

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“Blind” Episodes 13 and 14 Dissolve False Memories and Misbeliefs Since Childhood
Source: Pinoy Student Wars

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